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Finance: Which is the best way to learn about stocks?

 If you want to learn about stocks, you better first define what it is that you want or need to know.

For example - are you looking for knowledge about WHAT are stocks? the terminology, and what it 

means to buy or sell them? 

Or are you already faniliar with the basics and mainly look to understand the stock market, and how to 

trade in it. 

The short answer to that question is - READ!

Now you might say "hey buddy, what do you mean "read!" what the hell am i supposed to read here? 

there are A LOT of books/articles/lectures/ and so forth. 

So i, in turn, will answer "fine... if you insist... i will try and give you some directions as to where to learn 

about stocks":

Investopedia.com - this website, although not very intuitive or easy to navigate has one of the best basic knowledge information about anything related to day-trading, stocks, CFDs and more.

So click on the URL and get started on your reading.

tradingview.com - in the past couple of years this website become something like a go-to domain for any trader and analyst. you can start with viewing the charts, of any stock or asset you want. the best way to undersatnd the market is to devote the time, and follow the main stocks, and see for yourself what affect them live. 

you can compare a lot of the changes to some trending financial news anouncements. which brings me to the next one - 

Dan Ariely - one of the world renown behavioral economics specialists. he has several books, so feel free to read any of them. i listed Predictably Irrational, since i like that specific book and its implicaiton on stock trading in general.

Dan Ariely books are not the kind of books that are being read and then you say - wow... since they are for the masses. but - because they are easy to read, and are full with great examples of how to predict behavior, especially that of investors, it could also give you an insight on how to build your strategy in the stock market.

you could also read any one of those - 

Money by Tony Robbins

The Black Swan by Nassim Taleb

Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Taleb

A Man for All Markets by Ed Thorp

I don't have much to add on those, accept they can give you further insight taken from their authors 


If you wish to get a more specific and tailor made knowledge, i would love for you to send me an email to firstplacefinance (@) gmail . com, and i will try to connect you with the right people.